A crazy bunch of passionate gamers and lovers of tech. 



Master of All

With over 20 years in the gaming and tech industry he has seen it all. From alpha testing the original World of Warcraft to leading a guild to multiple world firsts in MMOs. He brings much needed passion to the gaming world.


Head Creative Lead

Despite being the quietest one on the team she is a Logistics and organizational master, and poses a massive ability to gather information in R&D of game news
Her passions for games lays both herding the countless lost sheep in massive games and all the oddity of games that involve the not so confrontational like cooking though will lay the smack down when pushed.


Lead Editor

Expertise lays in all things Audio and Visual, willingness to learn
His devotion to league of legends is beyond Platinum.


Doer of things

Also with a long history in gaming and tech brings with him the skill sets of a Systems Administrator, Web Dev and hardware evaluation required for data center operations. His passions for games are support based for massive player games favoring healer through to RTS Survival.


The Boss

She keeps us all in line with a single look and if that does not work then she will really brings out the claws.


Cheer Squad

Can be heard cheering us on from the bleachers, even with such a large stature is still scared of Envy!